“Incredibles 3” picks up a few years after the events of the second film, with the Parr family balancing their superhero lives with the challenges of normalcy. Bob and Helen have retired from active duty, focusing on raising their kids, but the world still faces a growing threat from supervillains emboldened by the legal reintroduction of Supers. Violet is now a college student exploring her independence, Dash is a rebellious teenager pushing his powers to new limits, and Jack-Jack is a powerful but unpredictable toddler whose abilities are still evolving.
The peace is shattered when a new villain named The Manipulator, a genius hacker who can control technology and people’s minds, emerges. The Manipulator’s goal is to create a world where everyone’s actions are dictated by technology, stripping people of free will. He begins by taking over the city’s technology, causing chaos and framing Supers for crimes they didn’t commit, turning public opinion against them once again.
With the government considering banning Supers permanently, the Parr family is forced back into action, along with Frozone and a new team of young heroes. The movie explores the theme of generational conflict as Violet steps into a leadership role, clashing with her parents over their outdated methods. Dash, eager to prove himself, recklessly puts the team at risk, while Jack-Jack’s unpredictable powers become both a blessing and a liability.
The climax sees the Incredibles infiltrating The Manipulator’s high-tech fortress, filled with traps that exploit each hero’s weaknesses. In a thrilling battle, Violet uses her newly refined force field powers to protect her family, Dash finally masters control over his speed, and Jack-Jack surprises everyone by turning the tide with a new, unforeseen ability.
The Manipulator is defeated, but the cost is high: public trust in Supers is shaken again. The film ends with the family reaffirming their commitment to be heroes, despite the world’s doubts. The post-credits scene hints at a new alliance of villains watching from the shadows, setting up a larger threat for the future.